Planning Patterns and the Effects of Local Stakeholders in Urban Transformation: The İzmir Case*
Cities are dynamic, nonlinear complex systems and processes evolving in an ongoing continuity (Yetişkul, 2017); therefore, requires different research approaches to understand the complex structure it possesses beyond linear, descriptive research. Hence, instead of seeking an answer to the question of “how cities should be”, this study aims to investigate emergencies, patterns, cues and aims to reveal the butterfly effects that occur through urban transformation in İzmir Urban Transformation Project implementation processes. Within the scope of this research, four urban transformation project areas in İzmir are selected to be examined. Based on the theoretical framework of the research, firstly legal, local dynamics and actors are identified for each field, and the positions and potential expectations and interests of the actors of the process are revealed in order to analyse the relationality between them. Dynamics and mechanisms affecting the inter-scale process, such as local, urban, and country scales, were identified and traces of historical clues, occurrences, milestones, mechanisms of influence, and accumulation of local and legal experience were traced.

*Şanlı, T. ve Demirel, Ş (2021). Kentsel Dönüşümde Planlama Örüntüleri ve Yerel Paydaşların Etkileri: İzmir Örneği. Planlama, Kavramlar ve Arayışlar, Ankara: TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası, 101-123.
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